AC21 - Regionalization of Biosolids Management

Recorded On: 06/08/2021

Member: $25.00
Non-Member: $35.00

SWRCB Waste Water CEUs: 0.15
CWEA Contact Hours: NOT OFFERED. 

Targeting small- to medium-size wastewater treatment agencies, this session will provide an overview of one approach and various options to consider when evaluating the concept of regional biosolids management. If you are creative and looking for a long-term sustainable biosolids management solution, this may be the session for you!

Learning Objectives:
Understand of how to estimate your baseline costs for biosolids management within and outside your treatment plant fence line, and what to do with the information.
Learn rules of thumb for assessing the needed scale for a biosolids management option to become economically viable.
Learn how to estimate land requirements for building a biosolids land application operation or biosolids compost facility.

Mary Martis

Professional Associate and NorCal Biosolids Leader

HDR Engineering Inc.

With more than 28 years in the wastewater industry, Mary brings a unique perspective to projects through her experience working as a district engineer supporting the operations of two wastewater treatment plants, as a developer for a national biosolids management company, and as a technology leader for two large equipment manufacturers. She understands the impacts of changing biosolids legislation and the business opportunities present resulting from market drivers associated with the diversion of organics from landfills and a state-wide demand for alternative energy. She has a long history of working with agencies to create forward-thinking, creative programs to address complex challenges, and has assisted with the capture of millions of dollars in grant funding to support those projects/programs.

Arthur Xu


HDR Engineering, Inc

Arthur has five years of experience serving as a staff engineer on a variety of water and wastewater projects. His experience includes water and wastewater treatment design, hydraulics modeling, facility planning, and biosolids evaluation for public agencies.


AC21 - Regionalization of Biosolids Management
Recorded 06/08/2021
Recorded 06/08/2021 Learn more about the contact hour process under the "Contact Hour / CEU" tab. Registrants can receive contact hours for watching the entire recording and providing the correct attention check code(s) as instructed within 48 hours of the webinar.
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8 Questions Thank you for attending this program. Please provide your feedback and suggestions as they are greatly appreciated.
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