AC23 Sanitary Sewer System General Order Track - On Demand Only
Recorded On: 04/19/2023
- Registration Closed
Annual Meeting Attendees: Complimentary
CWEA Contact Hours: 3.6 contact hours for all CWEA cert holders.
First Presentation:
Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order Reissuance Update:
This presentation will provide an update on new requirements in the reissued Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order and explain the compliance due dates. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the new and updated requirements
Second Presentation:
What's New with Sanitary Sewer Compliance with the WDR?
The State Water Resources Control Board conducted stakeholder collaboration on the waste discharge requirements for sanitary sewer systems impacting 1200 public collection system across California. The SWRCB adopted a reissued WDR with expanded requirements in December 2022 that will require enrolled agencies to improve sewer program compliance to reduce spills.
Third Presentation:
Reducing Enforcement Exposure for Spills, SSMPs, and SSMP Audits
It’s been over 16 years since initial adoption of statewide Sanitary Sewer Systems Waste Discharge Requirements (SSS WDRs) with new major pending adoption/implementation. Don’t miss this informative session to stay-abreast of the latest practices on avoiding being targeted for inspections, reducing violations/fines, and preparing your SSMPs/Audits for holding-up to scrutiny by regulators, inspectors and NGOs. Subject matter experts with over 50 years of combined experience will provide Legally Responsible Officials (LROs), data submitters, supervisors and managers with specific case studies and leading strategies for managing your collection system "like your mission statement says.

Afrooz Farsimadan
Senior Water Resource Control Engineer
State Water Resources Control Board
Afrooz Farsimadan is a professional civil engineer with over 15 years of civil engineering experience in the transportation and water quality sector. Afrooz graduated from Sacramento State University with a master’s degree in Civil Engineering and has been practicing as a registered civil engineer for over 11 years. She started her career working as a civil engineer for the California Department of Transportation, inspecting highway construction projects. Afrooz then joined the Division of Water Quality at the State Water Resources Control Board. For the past six years, Afrooz has served as a Senior supervising engineer. In addition to her Statewide NPDES Program Manager role in overseeing the development and implementation of numerous statewide NPDES general permits, Afrooz manages the implementation the Statewide Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order.

Walter Mobley
Water Resource Control Engineer, Division of Water Quality, NPDES Wastewater Unit
State Water Resources Control Board
Walter Mobley is a Water Resource Control Engineer with the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality. Walter graduated from Howard University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and has over 8 years of civil engineering experience. Walter has been implementing the Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order since 2018. She has been involved in the reissued Order development and will be the contact person for the Order implementation and database questions.

Paul Causey
Causey Consulting
Mr. Paul H. Causey, P.E. is a registered Civil Engineering in the State of California with 50 years of technical and management experience in the municipal and special district operations and maintenance. He has served as General Manager/District Engineer for four different special districts and was the Assistant City Engineer for the City of Milpitas. He served these cities and special districts for 35 years prior to operating his own management consulting firm specializing in collection system operations and maintenance, staffing, regulatory compliance, operations budgeting, capital planning, asset management and agency consolidation and system withdrawals. These agencies included collection system operations of from 50 to 400 miles of pipe and pump stations. In the past fifteen years Mr. Causey has specialized in providing gap analyses, audits, full revisions to and training on agency sewer system management plans, water quality monitoring program plans and overflow emergency response plans to comply with California and Regional Board regulations for close to 100 public agencies. In addition, he has evaluated and recommended sewer system organizational consolidations and withdrawals for agencies including required staffing, management structure and performance metrics to enhance service area operations. Mr. Causey has also provided expert witness services on several dry cleaner discharge litigation cases and one solid waste rate case. Finally, Mr. Causey is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.

James Fischer, Jr.
Fischer Compliance, LLC
Jim worked over 31 years as a professional engineer in the public sector and retired in June 2020 with the State of California after an extensive tenure with the State Water Resources Control Board which began in 2008. Jim formerly managed the Division of Water Quality's Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reduction (SSO) program and also worked in the Office of Enforcement since 2010 as statewide SSO lead providing technical assistance, training and coaching to regional boards prioritizing SSO inspections, compliance audits, and enforcement. To continue his water quality passion, Jim started his own company, Fischer Compliance, LLC in September 2020 to provide effective regulatory best practices to agencies striving to optimize operations and reduce their risks for violations, enforcement and undesirable public attention. Jim obtained a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology from CSU Sacramento in 1988.

Jed Beyer
Water Quality Manager
West Bay Sanitary District
Jed Beyer, Water Quality Manager - West Bay Sanitary District. 23 years wastewater experience. Additionally, Jed is responsible for Regulatory Compliance matters and is the Safety Officer at the District. He received his education from California State University, Sacramento and Cornell University. Jed holds CWEA certifications in Collection System Maintenance Grade IV and Environmental Compliance Inspector Grade I; and is a Certified Safety Management Specialist.
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