AC24 Mainstream Anammox: New Frontiers in Superefficient Biological Nitrogen Removal from PN/A to PdN/A
Recorded On: 04/11/2024
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As more WRRFs in California implement potable reuse schemes, and the impact of nutrients on coastal waters is recognized, biological nitrogen removal is expected to expand dramatically along the coast. Upgrading to nitrogen removal can significantly increase the cost, energy use, operational complexity, footprint requirement and climate impact of these facilities, and so determining the most efficient and sustainable treatment strategy is critical. Anammox is a unique biology that has been widely implemented in sidestream treatment to reduce costs and improve sustainability and efficiency, but this technology has not yet been implemented widely in mainstream secondary trains. This presentation will review two new technological developments that promise to bring the benefits of Anammox biology to mainstream secondary treatment.
First, we will describe the challenge of adapting the partial-nitration/Anammox process (PN/A) from hot, concentrated centrate treatment to dilute, cool secondary treatment. This strategy boasts the highest potential reductions in aeration energy, carbon requirements and sludge production, but is also the most challenging to operate and maintain. Challenges associated with NOB inhibition will be discussed, and a novel strategy, developed by Tomorrow Water and demonstrated with Black & Veatch at the Hyperion Water Recovery Plant in LA, will be described. We will share data from lab and pilot-scale facilities, highlighting the newest developments in process design and the relationship of critical control variables (inhibition frequency, temperature, nitrogen species ratio, etc.) We will also discuss the knowledge gaps that remain in order to bring this novel strategy into wide implementation.
Secondly, we will describe an alternative strategy for mainstream Anammox implementation: partial denitrification/Anammox (PdN/A). This strategy was developed in plants in the mid-Atlantic, and is now being commercialized for deployment in California (and worldwide). The process uses the same Anammox biology, but in concert with different supporting organisms (heterotrophic denitrifiers instead of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.) This presentation will compare PN/A and PdN/A strategies, explaining the differences in process design, control, and achievable efficiency gains between the two different strategies. Participants will be provided with hypothetical plant scenarios and polled to determine which of the two strategies would be more applicable in a given context
Learning Objectives:
Quantify the benefits of the mainstream anammox process in terms of energy, carbon requirements, sludge production and plant intensification.
Differentiate between the two distinct implementation strategies of mainstream anammox (PN/A vs PdN/A) and understand their comparative advantages and challenges
Describe a novel PN/A strategy piloted at Hyperion WRP, and how this strategy fits in to the larger industry effort to commercialize mainstream PN/A for improved plant efficiency and sustainability

Jon Liberzon
Emerging Markets Process Engineering Lead
Black & Veatch
Jon Liberzon is Vice President at Tomorrow Water, a California-based subsidiary of BKT, where he spearheads a portfolio of new treatment processes including high-rate bio-filtration for wet weather flows, Proteus advanced primary treatment, AMX shortcut nitrogen removal and Draco thermal hydrolysis. Before joining Tomorrow Water, Jon consulted for a range of industrial and multinational clients including the World Bank, Technoserve and DFAT. From 2012-2017, he was director of water technologies at Algal Scientific, which developed high-rate nutrient recovery processes for food and beverage factories. Jon also helped develop algae-based photosynthetic aeration systems and worked on drinking water and agricultural development projects in several least developed countries, including Haiti and Vanuatu. Jon holds a Masters from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and a Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan.

Victory F. Dsane
Process Engineer
Tomorrow Water (BKT)

Eric Redmond
Black & Veatch

Shahrouzeh Saneie
Senior Environmental Engineer
LA Sanitation
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