AC24 TNI-2 Implementation Lessons Learned

Recorded On: 04/11/2024

CWEA Members: $20.00
Non-Members $30.00
CWEA Contact Hours: 1.0 contact hours towards CWEA Certifications: LAB, AWTO

In 1988, the California Environmental Laboratory Improvement Act (ELIA) became law and established Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) to evaluate and provide accreditation to environmental testing laboratories in California. Approximately 6 years later, the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Act, and California Code of Regulations provided the authority and structure of a laboratory accreditation program to standardize and accredit laboratories that analyze environmental regulatory samples relating to human health and environmental decisions in California. However, over time, the accreditation program became outdated, and competence of the environmental laboratories throughout California was in question. So, in May 2020, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted the TNI-2 Standard regulations amending the requirements and standards for accreditation of environmental testing laboratories in California. Prior to this adoption, laboratories were only required to meet the requirements in the analytical methods they perform, but the new standard now required facilities to control a broader scope of influential factors. This standard adoption set off a firestorm throughout the 600+ ELAP certified laboratories who now had to decide if, and how they would implement this new requirement for their agency.

Understanding that this change was coming in 2017, the Central Marin Sanitation Agency’s (CMSA) discussed its options associated with continued certification within the California ELAP. This same discussion of certification options has occurred throughout the state which has resulted in some labs implementing the new standard and some labs relinquishing certification. CMSA ultimately decided to continue its certification within the ELAP program, so CMSA Laboratory (CMSAL) began its journey into the TNI-2 standard implementation.

This journey of the TNI-2 standard implementation has required overhaul and implementation of a new Quality Assurance Program, Standard Operating Procedures, Standards, data management systems, laboratory bench sheets, general laboratory operations and a myriad of documentation. This presentation will provide an overview of the process of implementation, examples of different types of documentation, operational changes and the lessons learned associated with the successful implementation of the TNI-2 Standard in February 2023.

Learning Objectives:
Understand the magnitude of changes that have occurred within ELAP certified laboratories.
See examples and discuss the changes to laboratory documentation and operational changes.
Understand the changes to data quality, documentation and what is next for the laboratory community

Mark D. Koekemoer

Regulatory Compliance Manager

Central Marin Sanitation Agency

Mr. Koekemoer has managed various Environmental Services Programs over the past seventeen years. As CMSA's Technical Manager, Mr. Koekemoer has implemented and provided oversight to Organic Waste Receiving Monitoring Programs, NPDES Permit Compliance Monitoring Programs, EPA Pretreatment Monitoring Programs, Stormwater Monitoring Programs and various others. Additionally, Mr. Koekemoer has provided oversight for various wastewater related projects including analytical method development, regulatory and process field analytical reliability assessments, and facility process enhancements studies. Mr. Koekemoer has also served on technical advisory committees including the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) within the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) and Standard Method Joint Task Groups.Mr. Koekemoer has Bachelors and Masters degrees from Texas A&M University.

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AC24 TNI-2 Implementation Lessons Learned
Recorded 04/11/2024
Recorded 04/11/2024 Learn more about the contact hour process under the "Contact Hour / CEU" tab. Registrants can receive contact hours for watching the entire recording and providing the correct attention check code(s) as instructed within 48 hours of the webinar.
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Enter code to continue. To receive your contact hours for viewing the recording, please note the attention check code that will be displayed during the webinar in the top right or left corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds. Please enter this code in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab. Once you have entered the correct attendance check code, you will be able to create and download an electronic Certificate of Completion under the "Contents" tab.
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1.00 contact hours towards CWEA's Contact Hours: LAB, AWTO credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 contact hours towards CWEA's Contact Hours: LAB, AWTO credit  |  Certificate available Please do not return this certificate to CWEA when applying for or renewing your CWEA Certification(s). These contact hours will be reflected in your account within 2-3 weeks following completion.