Advanced Water Treatment Operator - Advanced Membrane Bioreactors
Recorded On: 10/20/2020
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CWEA Contact Hours: 2.4 towards EIT, LAB & AWTO certifications
Membrane treatment is now a fundamental component of water reuse schemes. Low pressure micro and ultrafiltration (MF/UF) membranes are widely used as part of reuse schemes to filter secondary or tertiary effluent directly, or are submerged in activated sludge in membrane bioreactors (MBRs) to replace clarification.
High pressure reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are used to remove salt and act as a broad spectrum barrier to chemicals of concern. MF/UF membranes, MBRs and RO membranes also contribute to protection of public health by removing pathogenic microorganisms.
Critical control points and monitoring strategies are defined for each treatment process to assure that pathogen removal is achieved in water reuse. There are a number of ongoing research initiatives to improve the understanding of pathogen removal in MBRs to support their application in water reuse.
This session will comprise 3 modules and focus on:
1 – Fundamentals of low and high pressure membrane filtration as well as biological treatment,
2 – Applying critical control points for monitoring pathogen removal performance of membrane systems including, MF/UF, MBRs and RO.
3 – Current innovations supporting the application of MBRs for water reuse.
At the end, a live Q&A will be facilitated with membrane filtration experts.
The session was recorded during CWEA's 2020 Virtual Annual Conference and Expo.

Amos Branch
Water Reuse Technologist
Carollo Engineers
Amos joinedCarollo as a Water Reuse Technologist in 2019. Prior to joining Carollo, Amoswas a post doctorate researcher at the Water Research Center at the Universityof New South Wales Australia. Amos has worked on a variety of microbial andchemical risk assessment projects related to water reuse and pilot testing andoptimization of membrane systems. Amos’ doctorate was the Australian researchbehind membrane bioreactor validation protocols, which are now being adaptedfor application in the U.S.
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