Advancing Towards Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) in California: Implications for the Wastewater Sector - On Demand
Recorded On: 10/27/2021
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Non-Member fee: $35.00
Contact Hours: 1.2 Contact Hours towards CWEA ECI certification.
The SARBS Professional Development Committee (PDC) presents an online webinar on California’s DPR Framework for regulation of potable reuse projects, highlighting the implications for the wastewater sector. In addition to sharing the background for the DPR Framework and the State’s perspective on DPR, the training will provide an overview of the latest potable reuse updates including the recent Addendum to the Framework, advanced water treatment operator (AWTO) certification requirements, and impacts of the ongoing drought on timelines. Practical insights will be shared on implementation of DPR, along with lessons learned from the experience in El Paso, TX at the first “direct-to-distribution” DPR facility in the US.
Learning Objectives/ Attendee Takeaways:
1. Attendees will become familiar with California’s DPR Framework for regulation of potable reuse projects and associated timelines.
2. Attendees will understand the requirements related to advanced water treatment operator (AWTO) certification in the DPR Framework and where to find more information on the associated certification program.
3. Attendees will gain practical insights on implementation of DPR, along with lessons learned from a DPR facility near El Paso, Texas.

Nathan Chase, PE, ENV SP (Moderator)
Project Manager
Brown and Caldwell
Nathan Chase is a water/wastewater engineer and project manager with Brown and Caldwell in Orange County with 14 years of experience. He has delivered innovative and sustainable solutions on a wide range of projects throughout California and around the globe, including advanced water treatment facilities, potable reuse planning and permitting, and total water master plans. Nathan is a registered Civil Engineer in California and an Envision Sustainability Professional.

Brian Bernados, PE
Senior Engineer and Technical Specialist
California State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water
Brian has served on the California State Water Board Division of Drinking Water (DDW) for over 29 years. As a Technical Specialist, Brian has expertise in alternative technology, advanced technology, RO/AOP, UV disinfection (potable, recycled, and reuse), recycled water, groundwater recharge, surface water augmentation, direct reuse, seawater desalination, and water treatment additives/components. In this role, he also works on recycled water, water reuse via groundwater recharge, surface water augmentation, direct potable reuse feasibility, and alternative technology acceptance. He holds a Master of Science in Civil Engineering with emphasis on water, environmental, and public health from San Diego State University and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the State of California.

Andrew Salveson, PE
Vice President
Carollo Engineers
Andy has 28 years of environmental consulting experience serving public and private-sector clients in the research and design of water and wastewater treatment systems. He serves as Carollo’s Chief Technologist for Water Reuse and is a nationally recognized expert in water reuse and disinfection. Andy provides guidance and expertise on state-of-the-art technologies on the latest industry issues regarding reuse, leading numerous planning, design, and research projects for various organizations, utilities, and corporations. Andy is a licensed engineer in California, New Mexico, Texas, and Hawaii.
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