CWEA Collections System Maintenance Grade 1 Bundle - Domains 1-5
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- Non-member - $485
- Member - $295
CWEA Members: $295.00
Non-Members: $495.00
13.2 Contact Hours Towards CWEA Certifications: CSM
This series of videos features all Grade 1: Domains1,2,3,4,5
Videos included in these series
Domain 1
Sub-Domain 1.1: Inspection, cleaning and maintenance of wastewater collection systems utilizing equipment
Sub-Domain 1.2: Performing and giving assistance with pump station inspections, maintenance, and repair and recording instrument readings
Sub-Domain 1.3: Inspection and maintenance of easements, some of which may be remote or difficult to access
Sub-Domain 1.4: Participation in the construction and repair of the wastewater collection system
Sub-Domain 1.5: Participation in the containment and cleanup of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)
Sub-Domain 1.6: Participation in the safe removal and restoration of concrete and paved surfaces using a wide variety of construction equipment, hand and power tools
Domain 2
Sub-Domain 2.1: Completion and maintenance of accurate, legible, and timely records of work performed
Sub-Domain 2.2: Reading and interpreting collection system maps for operations and maintenance
Domain 3
Sub-Domain 3.1: Participation in establishing proper traffic control measures at work sites to protect workers and the public
Sub-Domain 3.2: Knowledge of all applicable regulations, policies, and procedures
Sub-Domain 3.3: Application of safety-related tasks related to excavation and trenching
Sub-Domain 3.4: Participation in confined space entries
Sub-Domain 3.5: Adhering to safe work practices to mitigate risk related to jobsite hazards
Sub-Domain 3.6: Responding to public inquiries and service requests in a courteous manner and providing information appropriate to the area of assignment
Domain 4
Sub-Domain 4.1: Conducting pre/post trip inspections of vehicles and equipment (including ensuring that hand and power tools are in proper operating condition), and arranging for maintenance when required.
Sub-Domain 4.2: Performing basic building and grounds maintenance at collection system facilities
Domain 5
5.1 Selecting the appropriate formula and completing basic calculations needed for collection systems maintenance

Harry Bessa
Lead Wastewater Worker
City of Huntington Beach
Harry Bessa currently holds the position of "Lead Wastewater Worker" at the City of Huntington Beach, drawing upon an extensive background of over 24 years in collections. His journey began as an entry-level maintenance worker, where he acquired invaluable collections skills through practical, on-the-job experience. Presently, his role revolves around overseeing Lift Station duties, involving the meticulous planning and supervision of on-site field operations for the city's 27 lift stations. These stations play a pivotal role in pumping millions of gallons of sewage to the Orange County Sanitation District for proper treatment.
In his leadership capacity, Harry manages a team of skilled workers whose support is instrumental in ensuring operational efficiency. His responsibilities encompass diverse tasks, from resolving mechanical issues to interpreting data sourced from the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). Additionally, he is adept at handling emergency situations such as Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and providing assistance to the public regarding sewer or storm drain-related queries. Harry believes that this career path, while requiring a willingness to get hands dirty, offers an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to environmental protection. He emphasizes that collections, as a profession, has withstood the test of time and remains an indispensable career choice.

Stephen Miksis
Operations and Maintenance Consultant and Advisor | Vice President
SKL Solutions Inc.
Stephen Miksis has more than 20 years of experience as a contractor and special district O&M manager in condition assessment, asset management, rehabilitation, and operation of gravity and pressurized pipeline systems and pump stations. He implemented InfoAsset Manager and Mobile (formerly InfoNet Desktop and Mobile) at Ross Valley Sanitary District and used it for asset mapping and inventory, risk assessment, condition assessment and capital improvements management, work order tracking, and making other data-driven decisions. He is proficient in cleaning and visual inspection of storm drain and sanitary sewers and selecting and performing repair and rehabilitation with various methods such as cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), pipe bursting, localized liners, thermoplastic fold and form, cementitious spin coating, and gel grout injection

Sergio Ramirez
General Manager
West Bay Sanitary District
Mr. Ramirez is the General Manager for West Bay Sanitary District. Through his leadership, the vision and policies of the Board of Directors are carried out by District staff. His experience has grown over 29 years through his work in the private wastewater sector, and as an employee of Castro Valley Sanitary District and the City of Foster City. Mr. Ramirez joined West Bay in 2010. As the General Manager, he oversees district operations, in the areas of project management, operation and maintenance, regulatory compliance, safety, administration, and finance. Mr. Ramirez is active in the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) serving as Chairperson to several association chapters and committees. He serves as Faculty/Instructor for the CWEA Technical Certification Program.
Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 13.2 contact hours towards CWEA's certification: CSM.
To receive your contact hours for viewing the recording, you will need to view each video in the series. Upon completion of the last video in the series, the system will automatically unlock the attention check code for you view. The two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed, and you will need to enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.
Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.
Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic certificate of completion under the "Contents" tab.