Inland Empire Utilities Agency Delivers Real-Time Protection for its Collection System - Live Webinar

  • Registration Closed

CWEA Members: $25.00
Non-Members: $35.00

1.2 Contact Hours Towards CWEA Certifications: CSM, MT.

In 2019, IEUA first deployed two satellite sewer monitoring units to provide real-time, low-cost monitoring at sites that historically had encountered blockage issues across the collection system. The data collected allowed IEUA to identify potential blockages before an overflow occurred. IEUA has since expanded their satellite sewer monitoring program to 25 units which have saved at least four spills; thereby protecting public health and the environment, preserving overall authority resources, and preventing asset degradation.

Due to current conservation measures in southern California and the recent change in water usage put into effect from Senate Bill 1157 (2022), GPCD (gallons per capita per day) is being reduced from 55 to 42 by 2030. With the reduction of flow and ongoing population growth, there has been an increase in solids in the system and unpleasant odors from increased hydrogen sulfide (H2S). IEUA will be deploying two more units which will provide real-time, low-cost H2S monitoring at sites experiencing issues across the collection system.

Additionally, a fats, oils, and grease (FOG) build-up was identified at one of the monitored sites which allowed IEUA to run a successful marketing campaign to the area residents educating them about the importance of disposing FOG into the trash rather than down the drain. IEUA is also able to monitor industrial flows into the system utilizing the sewer monitoring units.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to understand the use of satellite sewer monitoring for blockage prevention.
Upon completion, participants will be able to understand the use of sewer monitoring to meet regulation challenges.
Upon completion, participants will be able to understand how sewer monitoring has influenced community engagement.

Eric Van Cleave

Southern California Regional Sales Manager


Eric Van Cleave is the Southern California Regional Sales Manager with SmartCover. He has a degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and started working for SmartCover  in June 2017. He is part of the CWEA San Diego Section and currently serves as President.  

Lucia F. Diaz (she/her/hers)

Manager of Facilities & Water System Programs

Inland Empire Utilities Agency

Lucia Fuertez Diaz joined Inland Empire Utilities Agency in 2006 as a Construction Project Coordinator and during her tenure has worked in several departments ranging from Engineering, Finance Administration, and Operations. She currently serves as the Manager of Facilities & Water System Programs for the Agency’s Facilities Management, Sewer Collection Systems and Recycled Water/ Groundwater Recharge Programs within the Operations & Maintenance Division. Lucia holds a bachelor's degree in Business Economics/Finance from California State University, San Bernardino, a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, has a Grade 4 Collection System Maintenance Certificate from California Water Environment Association (CWEA) and a Certified Reliability Leader issued by the Association of Asset Management Professionals.

Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 1.2 contact hours towards CWEA's certifications: CSM, MT. 

To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed at two different points during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds.  Please enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.  

Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.  

Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic certificate of completion under the "Contents" tab.


Inland Empire Utilities Agency Delivers Real-Time Protection for its Collection System - Live Webinar
09/11/2024 at 1:30 PM (PDT)  |  60 minutes
Evaluation of Program
8 Questions
8 Questions Thank you for attending this program. Please provide your feedback and suggestions as they are greatly appreciated.
Attendance Check Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue. To receive your contact hours for viewing the recording, please note the two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed at two different points during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds. Please enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab. Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic "Certificate of Completion" under the "Contents" tab.
Certificate of Completion
1.20 contact hours towards CWEA's certification: CSM, MT. credits  |  Certificate available
1.20 contact hours towards CWEA's certification: CSM, MT. credits  |  Certificate available Please do not return this certificate to CWEA when applying for or renewing your CWEA Certification(s). These contact hours will be reflected in your account within 2-3 weeks following completion.