P3S22 - Enhanced Source Control: Implications of the 2020 NWRI Expert Panel Report
Recorded On: 06/23/2022
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The broader adoption of potable reuse means source control and pretreatment programs must adapt too. NWRI's 2020 Expert Panel Report on Enhanced Source Control for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) in California, other supporting research, and regulations currently in development now provide a glimpse into the future of work for CWEA's P3S professionals. In this session, we will scan NWRI's report, other research and California's early draft DPR regulations to glean broad trends and discuss related perspectives that will help you make better informed technical and career decisions today.
Additional awareness of the National Water Research Institute, it's history, purposes, and programs. Develop self-identifying potential experts.
• Make the argument that the additional scrutiny accompanying drinking water production is warranted and valuable.
• Apply an informed understanding of emerging potable reuse and source control trends to make better informed technical and career decisions.

Kevin Hardy
Executive Director
National Water Research Institute (NWRI)
Kevin M. Hardy has served as Executive Director of the National Water Research Institute (NWRI) since 2017. Founded in 1991 by Southern California water agencies in partnership with Joan Irvine Smith, NWRI promotes the protection, maintenance, and restoration of water supplies, freshwater, and marine environments through the planning and execution of applied research projects. As NWRI’s Executive Director, Mr. Hardy works with researchers, academics, utility managers, regulators and policymakers to develop water reuse practices and regulations that protect public health; facilitate NWRI’s well established independent expert advisory program; and, to create meaningful and lasting partnerships within the nation’s water community. Hardy holds bachelors and masters degrees from San Diego State University, a Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego School of Law, and is a proud alumni of the Water and Wastewater Leadership Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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