P3S22 - Real Time Monitoring of Collection Systems and WRRFs for Conventional and IPR/DPR Processes
Recorded On: 06/23/2022
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For existing pretreatment programs, illegal and unwanted discharges can impact the downstream WWTP and the NPDES compliance. Robust pretreatment programs have been effective to minimize such impacts, but come at a high analytical and staff cost. For potable water reuse projects, our industry has tight levels of control of the performance of the wastewater treatment and advanced treatment processes. The raw wastewater collection process, with regulated industrial dischargers and the potential for illegal unseen dischargers, represents a large information gap in our industry. Over the last several years, online monitoring technologies have developed to help both the conventional pretreatment program and the potable reuse source control program. These technologies have been exhaustively vetted in several Water Research Foundation projects, which will be presented.
Understanding of industrial source control challenges for NPDES compliance and potable reuse water quality
• Understanding of the broad range of potential online monitoring tools and approaches
• Clearly defined challenges and step by step approach to finding an online monitoring system that could, with sufficient testing, benefit any source control program.

Kristel Baumgardner-Kranz
Lead Engineer
Carollo Engineers, Inc.
Kristel Baumgardner-Kranz, P.E., is a Lead Engineer with Carollo Engineers, Inc. She has been with Carollo for seven years has been a practicing environmental engineer for eight years. Kristel received her Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from U.C. Davis and her Bachelor of Science in Anthropology from the University of Wyoming. Her project experience includes developing uniform and site specific local limits for industry dischargers, developing an Enhanced Source Control Program, updating Sewer Use Ordinances, developing permits for industrial dischargers, developing Enforcement Response
Plans, and developing and implementing Industrial Waste Surveys.
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