P3S24 - ECI Test Prep Grade 4
Recorded On: 02/07/2024
You must log in to register
- Non-member - $30
- Member - $20
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
CWEA Contact Hours: 1.0 contact hours towards CWEA's ECI certifications.
At the end the webinar, attendees will be able to:
Develop an effective study plan.
Identify sources and references used for study.
Describe the requirements for making presentations, the elements of an effective health and safety program, and the types of hazardous materials.

Kent McIntosh
Retired Industrial Waste Inspector
Previously with Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Kent O. McIntosh holds CWEA certification as an Environmental Compliance Inspector, Grade 4, and as an Industrial Waste Treatment Plant Operator, Grade 1, and he recently retired from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts after more than 31 years, the first three as a laboratory technician, then as an industrial-waste inspector. He was the senior inspector for the full-time night-shift team of five. He has a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering and in applied mathematics and a bachelor of arts degree in biology and in German. For the past nine years, he has volunteered as a moderator for the CWEA ECI certification test-preparation sessions.
Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 1.2 contact hours towards contact hours towards CWEA's ECI certifications.
To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the one (1) attention check code that will be displayed during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds. Please enter this code in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.
Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.
Once you have entered the correct attendance check code, you will be able to create and download an electronic "Certificate of Completion" under the "Contents" tab.