P3S24 - Local Limits Perspectives
Recorded On: 02/05/2024
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- Non-member - $30
- Member - $20
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $30.00
CWEA Contact Hours: 1.0 contact hours towards CWEA's ECI, LAB, AWTO certifications.
Upon completion, participants will be able to define what local limits are and describe why they are important to Pretreatment Programs.
Upon completion, participants will be able to identify pollutants of concern.
Upon completion, participants will be able to identify reasons to review, evaluate, and update local limits.

Nubia Donikian
Project Engineer
Larry Walker Associates (LWA)
Ms. Donikian is a Project Engineer at Larry Walker Associates (LWA) where she provides support for projects in the wastewater sector. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from UCLA and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UC Irvine. Her work ranges from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, water quality data analysis, water quality monitoring, and pretreatment.

Gorman Lau
Senior Engineer
Larry Walker Associates
Gorman Lau, P.E. is a Senior Engineer with Larry Walker Associates (LWA) with over 19 years of experience in the environmental engineering field including NPDES permitting, pretreatment, wastewater quality, and water quality sampling. He has assisted over 40 POTWs with pretreatment program development and update including preparing and updating administrative procedures documentation, sewer use ordinances, enforcement response plans, and local limits and supporting pretreatment program implementation with efforts including permitting, inspection, sampling, enforcement, and program audits and inspections. He has also conducted multiple local limits training workshops and sessions for CWEA at local section workshops and at the annual P3S conference. He is based out of the Davis, California office at LWA.
Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 1.2 contact hours towards contact hours towards CWEA's ECI, LAB, AWTO certifications.
To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the one (1) attention check code that will be displayed during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds. Please enter this code in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.
Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.
Once you have entered the correct attendance check code, you will be able to create and download an electronic "Certificate of Completion" under the "Contents" tab.