Veterans in Water: Continue Serving Your Community

Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

California’s water utilities are hiring now. They’ll hire thousands of highly-skilled professionals for water jobs this year. Your skills as a veteran could be exactly what water utilities are looking for. Dive into the California water profession. We can show you how.

This one hour webinar features four veterans who work on the frontlines of California water. We’re also celebrating these amazing water professionals and California water workers during Water Professionals Week, October 3-11.
How do you get started on a career in water/wastewater? Is there synergy between the military and water sector? What is the municipal/civil service hiring process like? What resources should the water sector build to make transitioning easier for veterans?
Jose Martinez
General Manager
Otay Water District
Ashley Owens
Employer Relations Specialist
Hire Heroes 
Eric Hovland
Instrument Control
City of San José
Ted Lam
Maintenance Superintendent
East Bay MUD
Rocky Padilla
Mechanical Maintenance
City of San José
Steve Twitchell 
Water Plant Supervisor
Valley Water

No contact hours will be awarded for this webinar.


Veterans in Water: Continue Serving Your Community
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