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37 Results

  • Recorded On: 10/17/2024

    In this complimentary webinar learn how Southern California has long been a leader in sustainable water management, pioneering  potable reuse (IPR and DPR) solutions. Since the 1990s, IPR has set the standard for innovative water management, and with the recent approval of California’s DPR regulations, new opportunities have emerged to diversify local water supplies. This presentation will review key regulations, share lessons learned from successful IPR projects, and highlight case studies from the San Diego region. Attendees will gain valuable insights to help implement best practices and prepare for future challenges in both indirect and direct potable reuse.

    Learning Objectives/Attendee Takeaways:

                    1.            Understand the key regulations governing IPR and DPR projects in California.
                    2.            Learn from case studies and insights gained from potable reuse projects in Southern California.
                    3.            Identify best practices and strategies for implementing both IPR and DPR systems.
                    4.            Anticipate challenges and explore innovative solutions for future potable reuse projects.
                    5.            Discuss the potential future impacts and technological advancements in DPR projects. 

    Brandon Bushnell

    Water Resource Control Engineer

    San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board

    I graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Environmental Engineering in 2018. Starting as a student intern at the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in 2016, I transitioned to a full-time staff role upon graduation. I have extensive experience in permitting and regulatory oversight across various facilities, including onsite wastewater treatment systems, confined animal facilities, and wineries. My primary expertise lies in the regulation of non-potable recycled wastewater projects. Currently, I am one of two staff members responsible for permitting all recycled water projects in the region, including both Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) and some Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) projects.

    Lauren Bray

    Senior Associate

    Brown and Caldwell

    Lauren Bray is a skilled water reuse engineer with extensive experience in Southern California DPR and IPR projects. She served as project engineer for the Pure Water San Diego program, where she compared DPR and IPR alternatives and is helping design the Central Area Small Scale Facility (CASSF), set to launch in 2025. Lauren also contributed to Santa Monica’s Arcadia Design Modifications project, exploring DPR solutions with existing infrastructure. As task order lead for the Metropolitan Water District’s PWSC program, she develops design standards for IPR and DPR facilities. Known for her innovative, collaborative approach, Lauren excels at creating DPR treatment trains that meet regulatory requirements while addressing unique water quality conditions, ultimately delivering sustainable water reuse solutions.

    Iris Yuen (Moderator)

    Student Young Professional Committee (SYP) Vice Chair

    CDM Smith

    Iris Yuen, an Environmental Engineer with the CWEA San Francisco Bay Section, has been serving as Vice Chair of the Student and Young Professional (SYP) Committee since 2024. With over two years of experience in the wastewater industry, Iris has been involved in wastewater and lead service line replacement projects across California, Connecticut, and Wisconsin. Her commitment lies in bridging the gap between academic studies and professional practice, empowering the next generation of water and wastewater professionals.

  • Recorded On: 04/12/2024

    Cost: Complimentary 
    No Contact Hours Offered

    In California WRRFs are facing uncertainty with their current land application programs related to anticipated PFAS regulations. In addition, with the diversion of organics from landfills by SB 1383 the main strategy is co-digestion followed by composting to produce a Class A biosolids for beneficial use. However, with the emerging challenges related to PFAS, the composting part of this strategy may be impacted as it does not provide any PFAS treatment. On the other hand, drying produces Class A biosolids and is required upstream of advanced thermal processes for PFAS treatment including pyrolysis and gasification. Drying the dewatered digestate rather than composting provides an opportunity to limit the impacts of anticipated PFAS biosolids regulations.

    This presentation will cover three thermal drying case studies that will benefit utility managers, operation and maintenance practitioners, and engineers by providing:
    • a highlight of the thermal drying sizing, technology selection, and dried product characteristics,
    • system integration with existing WRRFs including sludge conditioning,
    • the lessons learned including equipment procurement, staffing, and challenges in operation from previous thermal drying designs., and
    • integration insights for future pyrolysis/gasification PFAS treatment.

    Attendee Takeaways:

    Conduct thermal drying sizing, technology selection, and describe the dried product characteristics.
    Understand system integration with existing and future solids treatment.
    Define project delivery and operations based upon lessons learned from thermal drying case studies."

    Anthony Tartaglione

    Senior Assiocate

    Hazen and Sawyer

    Anthony is a Senior Associate with Hazen and Sawyer and has 23 years of experience in water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) planning, design, and services during construction. This experience includes project management, design engineering management, and lead process / mechanical engineering of the expansion, rehabilitation and repair, upgrades, and improvements for WRRFs throughout the country. He received a BS in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a MS in Chemical Engineering from Colorado State University. His area of expertise is in solids treatment from preliminary treatment through digestion including screening, grit removal, thickening, anaerobic digestion, and dewatering. He is a contributing author to Water Environmental Federation publications including 1) Design of Water Resource Recovery Facilities. Manual of Practice No. 8, 6th Ed., Water Environmental Federation Publication, 2017; 2) Energy in Water Resource Recovery Facilities, Manual of Practice No. 32, 2nd Ed., Water Environmental Federation Publication, 2021 and 3) Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals III, 1st Ed., Water Environmental Federation Publication, 2022. He is registered Professional Engineer the states of California (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Florida, Idaho (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Maryland, North Dakota, New York, Oregon (Civil & Chemical Engineering), and Texas.


    To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the one (1) attention check code that will be displayed during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds.  Please enter this code in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.  

    Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.  

    Once you have entered the correct attendance check code, you will be able to create and download an electronic "Certificate of Completion" under the "Contents" tab.

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    This complimentary webinar is intended to provide an introductory overview of the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The webinar will include a history of the SWRCB and the Clean Water Act, the responsibilities, and divisions of the SWRCB, an overview of the regional boards, and a discussion of the responsibilities of State board members. The primary speaker will be Nichole Morgan, Civil Engineer of the SWRCB and one of five SWRCB board members.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the relevance and importance of the SWRCB as a wastewater regulating entity.
    2. Understand the context of the establishment of the SWRCB.
    3. Understand the current structure and function of the SWRCB.
    4. Understand the responsibilities of SWRCB board members.

    Photo by SWRCB.

    Nichole Morgan

    Civil Engineer Board Member

    State Water Resources Control Board

    Nichole Morgan was appointed as the civil engineer to the State Water Resources Control Board by Governor Gavin Newsom in June 2021. Ms. Morgan most recently served as an Assistant Deputy Director in the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Financial Assistance, where she worked on projects providing funding for drinking water, wastewater, storm water and groundwater infrastructure improvements. During this time Ms. Morgan also oversaw the management of a variety of additional programs including the Lead in Child Care Centers, Fish Advisories, and Drinking Water and Wastewater Operator Certification programs.

    From 1999 to 2009 Ms. Morgan worked for public agencies and engineering consulting firms. Her responsibilities included planning, designing, and overseeing the construction of drinking water, wastewater and recycled water treatment and conveyance facilities throughout California. Ms. Morgan joined the State Water Resources Control Board in 2009 where she worked as staff in the Division of Financial Assistance, Delta Water Master’s Office, and the Division of Water Rights. Ms. Morgan worked as a manager at the Central Valley Regional Water Board from 2012 to 2018, where she managed the region’s NPDES program. She returned to the State Water Board in 2018 as the head of the Office of Sustainable Water Solutions and was promoted in 2019 to an Assistant Deputy Director with the Division of Financial Assistance.

    Ms. Morgan has a Bachelor in Science in Civil Engineering from California State University, Sacramento.

    Julia Asbenson (Moderator)

    Chair of the CWEA Students and Young Professionals (SYP) Committee

    MC Engineering

    Julia Asbenson currently serves as the Chair of the CWEA Students and Young Professionals (SYP) Committee. She is passionate about investing in California’s future leaders. Julia has been employed at MC Engineering, a water and wastewater consulting firm, since 2016.

  • Includes Credits Recorded On: 10/12/2023

    Member fee: $100.00
    Non-Member fee: $140.00

    Contact Hours:  4.8 contact hours towards all CWEA's certifications. 

    This online seminar aims to address the obstacles confronted by front-line supervisors in their interactions with staff. It will delve into the intricacies of supervisory-employee relationships, all while effectively managing the demands that come with a leadership position. Gain insights into harnessing and comprehending various personality types and staff learning approaches through the application of DISC assessments.

    Grasping the Significance of Your Role and Contribution During Challenge Situations.
    Equipping Yourself with Strategies and Insights to Navigate Diverse Personalities and Learning Styles Among Staff.
    Cultivating Long-Term Growth as a Reliable and Esteemed Figure in Your Capacity.

    Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 4.8 contact hours towards all CWEA's certifications. 

    To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed at two different points during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds.  Please enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.  

    Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.  

    Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic certificate of completion under the "Contents" tab.

  • Includes Credits

    CWEA Members: $38.00
    Non-Members: $53.00

    1.8 Contact Hours Towards CWEA Certifications: ALL

    This 90 minute webinar, Understanding of California Government Code 4216 and the California Code of Regulations Title 19 helps safeguard stakeholders from safety risks to life, health, property while preventing damage to underground substructures and vital public services.

    Learning Objectives/Attendee Takeaways
    1) Excavators responsibilities
    2) Owner/Operators’ responsibilities
    3) Consequences when rules and regulations are not followed.

    1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - Safety training presentation
    2:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Safety Committee Update  (everyone is welcome)

    Amber Dahl

    Safety Director

    Underground Service Alert of Southern California

    Since 1997, Amber has been dedicated in communicating to all stakeholders in damage prevention their shared roles and responsibilities through education of CA Government Code 4216.

    Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 1.8 contact hours towards ALL CWEA's certifications. 

    To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed at two different points during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds.  Please enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.  

    Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.  

    Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic certificate of completion under the "Contents" tab.

  • Includes Credits Recorded On: 09/18/2023

    CWEA Members: $38.00
    Non-Members: $53.00

    1.8 Contact Hours Towards CWEA Certifications: ALL

    This 60 minute webinar, hosted by the CWEA Safety Committee, designed to bring information to those working in locations that may contain the following dangerous animals, insects, spiders, fire ants and poisonous plants. 

    • Learning Objectives/Attendee Takeaways
    ● Venomous snakes (depending upon the region this includes rattlesnakes, copperheads, coral snakes and water moccasins)
    ● Deer mice that may be infected with Hanta Virus
    ● Venomous spiders and arachnids including black and brown widows, brown recluse, scorpions and fire ants
    ● Stinging insects including bees, wasps and hornets
    ● Poison plants which regionally include poison oak and ivy and poison sumac

    1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - Safety training presentation
    2:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Safety Committee Update  (everyone is welcome)
    • Cal/OSHA Update
    • Southern/Northern Safety Day
    • Getting Involved 

    David Burpeau

    Wastewater/Public Agency Safety Expert

    David Burpeau has been a Water and Wastewater Safety Professional for 45 years. In addition, has served as a consultant specializing in water utilities and disciplines pertaining to Occupational Health & Safety, Water and Wastewater Security, Emergency Management, and risk management, Insurance, Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene Risk Management and Loss Control. Recently Mr. Burpeau has become associated with Water Otter, developing safety content for their Water and Wastewater training system, and previously had done the same for Target Safety, AKA Vector Solutions.

    As a safety professional with two large water and wastewater agencies in San Diego, California, and a consultant to many more. Mr. Burpeau’s leadership, systems and programs enjoyed significant success related to reductions in accidents, injuries and other losses resulting in at least 80% reductions in losses. In addition, one organization worked several years without a lost workday injury. He also developed internal confined space, and trenching rescue teams that also were proficient in chlorine leaks and other chemical emergencies.

    Mr. Burpeau is a Viet Nam era veteran serving as a Navy Corpsman with specialty training in general medicine, surgery, radiology, emergency medicine and other medical disciplines. As a federal employee he worked as an associate within a medical/surgical research/tissue bank facility working on a team that worked to develop and perfect new surgical techniques. Mr. Burpeau was a partner with Don Brown Productions, the world’s leader in safety video production and was responsible for the development of more than 2500 safety and training videos of which Mr. Burpeau crafted hundreds of topics.

    Mr. Burpeau has extensive training experience in safety program content development and implementation providing training programs to senior management, utility and general industry, managers, and employees. Mr. Burpeau also has extensive training and experience in security associated with Public Agencies, Homeland Security and Security for Houses of Worship. including weapons training and use.

    Registrants who view the live webinar to see the slides and hear the audio and then enter the correct attention check code (directions below) will receive 1.8 contact hours towards ALL CWEA's certifications. 

    To receive your contact hours for viewing the live webinar, please note the two (2) different attention check codes that will be displayed at two different points during the webinar in the top left or right corner of the presentation for approximately 90 seconds.  Please enter these codes as 1st attention check code – 2nd attention check code (XXXX-XXXX) in the Attention Check Code component under the "Contents" tab.  

    Please note, all user activity of CWEA certification holders on the Online Wastewater Education Network is subject to the CWEA Code of Ethics standards for professional conduct and ethics. Certification holders should receive credit for a training only once within the same contact hour period. Any attempt to undermine the certification process may be subject to ethics procedures and possible sanctions. It is not possible to receive contact hours for both attending the live webinar and viewing the recording.  

    Once you have entered the correct attendance check codes, you will be able to create and download an electronic certificate of completion under the "Contents" tab.

  • Recorded On: 06/08/2023

     This is a free, sponsored webinar. Contact hours are not available.  

    Digesters are essential infrastructure for wastewater treatment, but most facilities don’t fully leverage these important assets. Highlighting a variety of California case studies, this session will reveal how to optimize digester and biogas use for the benefit of your agency, your ratepayers, and the environment.

    You’ll learn how you can upgrade municipal infrastructure, enhance your operations, generate revenue, and support the community—all with little to no upfront cost. Get the facts on the expanding opportunity to handle organics diverted under SB1383 and discover how your facility can take advantage by co-digesting food waste. 

    Delivery and procurement models for digester and biogas enhancements will also be discussed. 

    Photo of Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority provided by Anaergia.

    Margaret Laub

    Project Development Manager


    Margaret works with public agencies and stakeholders to enhance anaerobic digestion and biogas use at municipal wastewater treatment facilities. Her seven years of experience have focused on advancing energy projects with public partners to deliver infrastructure upgrades, enhanced resiliency, reduced carbon footprint, and economic benefits. Margaret has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Harvard University. Margaret is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM).

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    Discover the exciting world of the water industry with this 3-person panel of experts from varying sectors. This webinar is created by students, for students, as a valuable resource for jumpstarting your career. Everyone is welcome. 

    Careers in the water industry provide fulfilling opportunities to empower your local community, support your lifestyle and family with good pay and benefits, and give back to the environment. 

     During this webinar you will learn about water career paths and what factors to consider when making your own career decisions. Feel free to bring your own questions for an open Q&A with the speakers at the end of the webinar.

    Photo by Adobe stock.

    Chloe Selby (Moderator)

    Undergraduate Student

    University of California, Irvine

    Chloe Selby serves on the CWEA Students and Young Professionals Committee and organized this webinar to benefit her peers by sharing opportunities for a future water career. She studies Earth System Science at the University of California, Irvine and is currently interested in pursuing an ocean biogeochemistry or geoscience career. Chloe volunteers with her local community to reduce food waste through UCI's Food Recovery Network and mentors a future STEM career high school student through EmpowHER Mentoring. She presented at CWEA 2020 on the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant and at AGU 2020, 2021, and 2022 with other projects. 

    Stephanie Douglass

    Senior Project Engineer

    Mott MacDonald

    Stephanie is the CWEA Students and Young Professional Chair and a CWEA Board Nominee. She started with Mott MacDonald as a Project Engineer in 2019. Stephanie earned her Master's degree at San Jose State University in Civil Engineering.

    Jon Liberzon

    Emerging Markets Process Engineering Lead

    Black & Veatch

    Jon Liberzon is Vice President at Tomorrow Water, a California-based subsidiary of BKT, where he spearheads a portfolio of new treatment processes including high-rate bio-filtration for wet weather flows, Proteus advanced primary treatment, AMX shortcut nitrogen removal and Draco thermal hydrolysis. Before joining Tomorrow Water, Jon consulted for a range of industrial and multinational clients including the World Bank, Technoserve and DFAT. From 2012-2017, he was director of water technologies at Algal Scientific, which developed high-rate nutrient recovery processes for food and beverage factories. Jon also helped develop algae-based photosynthetic aeration systems and worked on drinking water and agricultural development projects in several least developed countries, including Haiti and Vanuatu. Jon holds a Masters from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and a Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan.

    Dr. Ramzi J. Mahmood

    Professor and Executive Director

    Office of Water Programs (OWP) at California State University, Sacramento

    Dr. Mahmood joined the faculty at California State University, Sacramento, as a professor in the Civil Engineering Department in 1994.  In 1997, he became the director of the Office of Water Programs (OWP; In 2003, Dr. Mahmood was elected the Department Chair for Civil Engineering.  He served three consecutive terms, finishing his last term in 2012.

    Before joining the University, Dr. Mahmood worked with engineering consulting firms, specializing in soil and groundwater contamination as well as characterization and remediation of hazardous waste sites. He also worked for the State of California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) where he oversaw the development of technology-based and health-based treatment standards for hazardous wastes.

  • Recorded On: 02/21/2023

    California water and wastewater agencies and firms are striving for retention, job satisfaction, improved morale, increased productivity, and cultivating successful leaders.

    Mentoring facilitates these goals. Mentoring is a reciprocal and collaborative relationship that supports the mentee’s growth, learning, and career development with an emphasis on career goals and sound advice.

    Unlike coaching, which usually focuses on improving job performance and may not be voluntary, mentors help their mentee navigate the speed bumps in their careers, providing support and encouragement. They are trustworthy and empathetic.

    The good news is mentoring is two-directional. Mentors benefit just as much from the relationship as the mentees do! 

    CWEA is excited to kick off a mentoring program in this new year and we want to hear from you. 
    What questions do you have about mentoring?

    CWEA’s Mentoring Work group along with Susan Weinberger (aka Dr. Mentor) will share information on the new program, how to get involved, expectations of the program, and our next steps.


    Dr. Susan G. Weinberger, aka Dr. Mentor, is President, Mentor Consulting Group (MCG) in Norwalk, CT. MCG is  assisting CWEA in designing and implementing a high-quality, effective, and sustainable mentoring program for its members.

    Dr. Susan G. Weinberger


    Mentor Consulting Group (MCG)

    Dr. Susan G. Weinberger, aka Dr. Mentor, is President, Mentor Consulting Group (MCG) in Norwalk, CT. MCG is assisting CWEA in designing and implementing a high-quality, effective, and sustainable
    mentoring program for its members.

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    CWEA Contact Hours: No Contact Hours offered for this webinar. 

    374Water is a Duke University spinoff that developed the third generation Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) process, an emerging technology of choice for recalcitrant waste destruction, including PFAS. 

    The reasons are the many advantages of the SCWO technology, namely its ability to (1) rapidly and effectively mineralize all organic waste, organofluorine and PFAS compounds without the formation of secondary wastes (e.g., volatile PFAS); (2) to treat other organic co-contaminants such as wastewater sludges; and (3) to destroy PFAS on solid matrices such as granular activated carbon (GAC) or ion exchange (IX) resins from drinking water plants. 

    This presentation will explain the concept of supercritical water oxidation (SCWO), and how it can impact the ability to shift the paradigm of water and wastewater management. 

    Photo by Adobe stock.

    Sudhakar Viswanathan

    Vice President


    Sudhakar (Sunny) Viswanathan is Vice President at 374Water, a global cleantech, social impact company based in Durham, NC. He has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in environmental engineering, he is a Syracuse University alumnus with nearly 25 years of industry experience including leadership positions at Suez and Veolia; He has authored over 35 technical papers and currently spearheads the commercialization and business development of the Supercritical Water Oxidation technology.

  • Recorded On: 10/20/2022

    Free to members and non-members

    When potable reuse was first considered in the 1980s, a lack of public education led to public opposition that proved catastrophic to potential projects. Now as California continues to deal with issues of extreme drought, recycled water can be one of the keys to help strengthen local water supplies, improve water quality, support irrigation and agriculture, and with advanced purified recycled water, even become high quality drinking water, but only if the public supports and has trust in the process. 

    Education, awareness and using terminology that is commonly understood by communities where advanced treatment is being introduced is critical toward acceptance. 

    This webinar will discuss a brief history of recycled water and advanced purified recycled water, where it is going, and why coming together and choosing the proper terminology and context is critical toward gaining acceptance of future water projects.  

    Speakers include:

    Patricia Tennyson, Katz & Associates — Executive Vice President
    Mark Millian, Data Instincts — Principal and Founder
    Melanie Mow Schumacher, Special Projects-Communications Manager Soquel Creek Water District
    Gabriela Dow, Ardurra Director – Public Affairs & Community Relations
    Bryan Langpap, P.E., BCEE, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts — Public Information Office, Manager 

    Photo by Adobe stock.

    Patricia Tennyson

    Executive Vice President

    Katz & Associates

    Patricia Tennyson, executive vice-president, Katz & Associates, has developed and managed communication, government/community relations, and public affairs/media strategies for water, recycled water, potable reuse and wastewater projects for agencies including the City of San Diego, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, El Paso Water and many more.  She has a B.A. from Southern Methodist University, M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s University and M.P.A. from San Diego State University.  Ms. Tennyson is a member of American Waterworks Association, the Water Environment Federation and WateReuse California.

    Mark Millan

    Principal and Founder

    Data Instincts

    Mark is the founder of Data Instincts, a professional consultancy specializing in public outreach for implementing recycled water projects (purple pipe & potable reuse). He has coordinated public outreach for dozens of recycled water projects throughout the United States and has advised on reuse internationally. 

    Mark co-authored the Water Research Foundation’s Developing Model Communication Plans for Advancing Awareness and Fostering Acceptance of Potable Reuse. And was a contributing writer to the World Health Organization’s Guidelines for Potable Reuse published in 2017. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees for WateReuse CA.

    Melanie Mow Schumacher

    Soquel Creek Water District

    Special Projects-Communications Manager

    Melanie lives in Santa Cruz County and is a graduate from Cal Poly, SLO (BSCE) and Golden Gate University, San Francisco (MPA). Since 2016, she has been the Program Director for Pure Water Soquel where she’s learned the importance of technology/science needing to be coupled with education/outreach.  Every day on the Project is a ‘Lessons-Learned’ moment as she’s heard comments ranging from “Melanie- drink your own poop water” to “Melanie-recycled water is fantastic”.   She’s proud of her agency’s mobile educational trailer which embodies many of the District’s core outreach principles: factual, accessible, and easy to understand.

    Bryan Langpap, P.E., BCEE

    Public Information Office, Manager

    Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts

    Bryan has 27 years of sanitation industry experience.  Since 2016, he has overseen his agency’s public relations and outreach.  Previously, he worked as an engineer in planning, design and operations. 

    Gabriela Dow

    Director – Public Affairs & Community Relations

    Ardurra Director – Public Affairs & Community Relations

    Gabriela’s 20 years of experience in community relations, public affairs and media relations includes work at two CNN bureaus, service as an Intergovernmental Affairs Officer for a US Governor and White House Office of Public Engagement. She is a lead consultant for the East County Advanced Water Purification and Pure Water Oceanside programs.

     Gabriela has been honored as a “SDCWA Influencer of the Year,” San Diego Union Tribune’s “People to Watch” and Latina Style Magazine “Entrepreneur of the Year.”  She currently serves on the San Diego City College Industry Advisory Board (School of Business and Accounting), and as a board member for “FLOW” (the Fellowship of Latinos in Water). A native of Guadalajara, Mexico, Gabriela brings bilingual and bicultural expertise to all water programs.

  • Recorded On: 11/09/2021

    Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

    Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

    During this webinar you will learn about these two career paths and what factors to consider when making your own career decisions. Feel free to bring your own questions for an open Q&A with the speakers at the end of the webinar.

    No contact hours will be awarded for this webinar.

  • Recorded On: 11/03/2021

    Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

    Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

    Join our panel of dynamic women as they share their experiences with advocacy and mentorship, and the benefits that women bring to our industry. Hear more about their passionate insights and tips for increasing engagement, championing, and how to elevate women’s leadership in the workplace through internal/external programs and groups.

    Most importantly this discussion is for everyone. People of any gender or position can do small things to make a big impact. This one hour webinar is part of California Water Professionals Appreciation Week. (Note the webinar takes place in November.) 

    The webinar is supported by: ACWA, CASA, CA-NV AWWA, CWEA and BAYWORK

    No contact hours will be awarded for this webinar.

  • Recorded On: 10/21/2021

    Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

    Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

    In this webinar, we will walk through the condition assessment process for a critical force main on the coast of California, from the initial site walk to the finish report. Two types of non-destructive technologies (NDT) will also be featured in this talk: a detached free-flowing acoustic sensor, and an electro-magnetic scanning device

    Attendees will learn about a utilities first-hand experience of deploying these two types of device, interpreting their results, and lessons learned from this effort.

    No contact hours will be awarded for this webinar.

  • Recorded On: 10/06/2021

    Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

    Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

    Our panel of Federal representatives and veterans who lead in the California water sector will share their stories, offer advice and answer your questions. Veterans who attend this webinar will learn how to start their water career and agencies will learn what resources can help make the transition easier for veterans.

    No contact hours will be awarded for this webinar.

  • Live Webinar:  Free to members and non-members

    Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

    More women are joining the California water sector than ever before and moving-up to leadership roles. Major barriers and challenges still remain when it comes to recruiting and joining our profession.

    A diverse panel of women will share their experiences and insights on the barriers women face entering the water sector.

    The panel will discuss key topics for women entering our profession. From available jobs, social norms and biases to the lack of mentoring programs. Hear from women working on the front lines and share your ideas.

    BAYWORK and CWEA invite you to show support for women in water and join our conversation on strategies to remove those barriers.

    Learn about CWEA at 
    Learn about BAYWORK at
    Learn about California water careers and view job openings at

    Panel facilitator Karoline Terraza is the Organizational Performance Manger at Union Sanitary District. USD is a wastewater treatment plant that serves over 350,000 customers in Union City, Fremont, Newark. She provides oversight to the Districts’ strategic planning, continuous improvement, emergency, and training programs. She holds a Master’s degree in Adult Education and has over 20 years of organizational development and training experience. Karoline is Chair of BAYWORK’s Women in the Trades Committee and a CWEA member.

    Marjorie Del Toro is the President of ehs International, Inc. The firm is a nationally recognized company specializing in environmental health and safety. Del Toro has extensive knowledge of the construction, water and wastewater industries. She has positively impacted many small and large public agencies and companies in the manufacturing, construction and water/wastewater industry. Her work in safety has been featured in the OC Business Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Oprah Magazine, California Constructor, and the Critical Mass for Business Radio Show. Marjorie is Past Chair of CWEA’s Safety Committee.

    Jessica Sierra is a student in LA Trade Tech’s Supply Water Technology and Wastewater Technology program. She is planning to graduate in June and get her water career started. In 2020, she participated in an 11 month internship with OC San.

    Tyrese Powell-Slotterbeck is a Reclamation Plant operator a Otay Water District. Currently she holds a Wastewater grade 3 certification. As an operator her main focus is to produce reclaim water for the City of Chula Vista. Tyrese has experience in bio solids, activated sludge, maintenance, UV disinfection and sewer systems.

    Margo Schueler is a retired Water Superintendent for EBMUD. From welder in the shipyards in the 1970s, she became a Civil Engineer. She earned my D-4 and became a Distribution System Superintendent responsible for maintaining and expanding the water distribution network, able to apply all my skills from trade to engineering to operations before retiring in 2017. Loving to learn, work with others and joy in providing the most essential service – water and sanitation – has afforded me a long and rewarding career and meaningful life.

    Dr. Violet Renick is a Senior Scientist in the analytical chemistry laboratory at OC San, where she develops methods and special studies for emerging contaminants such as microplastics in wastewater. Violet holds a PhD in Ecology and a BSc in Biology. Violet is a Board member for the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), SoCal Chapter.

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    In this Water 101 session, you’ll learn about the California State Water Project. The State Water Project, also known as the California Aqueduct, transports water over 700 miles to supply more than 27 million people with drinking water. Hear about how it plays a vital role in California’s waterways; topics to be covered include the history, challenges and solutions of the State Water Project. 

    Jacob Shiba - Palomar College Jacob Shiba is an Assistant Professor of Water and Wastewater Technology at Palomar College in San Marcos, CA. He has served as a community affairs specialist at Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, adjunct faculty at Fullerton College, a water efficiency representative at Moulton Niguel Water District, among other experiences. He graduated from the University of California, Riverside, with a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Sciences.

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    The resume is a marketing tool which acts as a door opener and allows an employer to assess your qualifications quickly in the pre-screening process before interviews. Resumes should be succinct, commanding and truthful while emphasizing skills, strengths and accomplishments. Most resumes are initially read for 15 seconds or less – join this workshop to learn how to best present yourself on paper and in person for water and wastewater jobs.

    Caroline Fortuno currently works at Santiago Canyon College as the Job Developer for the Business and Career Education Division. She assists students with job preparation skills and helps students and employers connect through job, internship, and networking opportunities. She has previously worked as a Job Developer and Career Services Coordinator for other educational and non-profit organizations, where she coordinated several recruitment events and job fairs as well as worked individually with students and clients to help them build their job searching skills. Ms. Fortuno completed her BS in Business Administration from California State University, Long Beach and has taken additional courses in Human Resources and Educational Counseling, areas she enjoys greatly.

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    California’s water utilities are hiring now. They’ll hire thousands of highly-skilled professionals for water jobs this year. Your skills as a veteran could be exactly what water utilities are looking for. Dive into the California water profession. We can show you how.

    This one hour webinar features four veterans who work on the frontlines of California water. We’re also celebrating these amazing water professionals and California water workers during Water Professionals Week, October 3-11.
    How do you get started on a career in water/wastewater? Is there synergy between the military and water sector? What is the municipal/civil service hiring process like? What resources should the water sector build to make transitioning easier for veterans?
    Jose Martinez
    General Manager
    Otay Water District
    Ashley Owens
    Employer Relations Specialist
    Hire Heroes 
    Eric Hovland
    Instrument Control
    City of San José
    Ted Lam
    Maintenance Superintendent
    East Bay MUD
    Rocky Padilla
    Mechanical Maintenance
    City of San José
    Steve Twitchell 
    Water Plant Supervisor
    Valley Water

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    Hear from the CWEA Engineering and Research award winners on their projects that won first place this year.

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    City of Escondido shares an update on the TNI, MDL Implementation with Lab Person of the Year Oyuna Jenkins.

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    We’re honored to welcome managers from the California State Water Board Office of Operator Certification (OOC) to an informative webinar for water professionals and utility leaders focused on the State’s drinking water distribution, treatment and wastewater treatment operator exams.

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    The new documentary film Brave Blue World examines how new technologies and innovations can create a more sustainable water future. It’s important to convey a sense of hope and spirit of optimism for water. The film includes interviews with a variety of water experts, as well as high-profile advocates Matt Damon and Jaden Smith.

    By showing a path to a sustainable water future, Brave Blue World will inspire us to improve our stewardship of California’s most precious resource – water.

    The Pacific Institute and CWEA assembled a panel of experts to take a closer look at what we can do in California and beyond.
    Thank you to our event sponsors:
    - -Brown and Caldwell
    -- GHD

    Wastewater systems are facing an era of unprecedented and growing uncertainty due to climate change – from rising seas to increasingly severe flooding and droughts.

    Because of their location and large, complex treatment systems, these facilities are vulnerable as our climate changes.

    Wastewater holds tremendous promise for advancing water resilience. Water reuse, for example, can make communities more resilient to climate change and other stressors by diversifying water supplies and providing greater flexibility to the water system.

    Likewise, municipal wastewater contains five to 10 times more energy than is required to treat it, highlighting opportunities for recovering energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    Watch the documentary Brave Blue World on Netflix.


    Heather Cooley is the Director of Research for Pacific Institute, overseeing research on an array of water issues, such as sustainable water use and management, connections between water and energy, and the impacts of climate change on water resources. She serves on the Urban Stakeholder Committee and the California Urban Water Conservation Council’s Board of Directors.

    Dr. Christopher Hyun is a Senior Environmental Scientist at the State Water Resources Control Board, where he serves as staff lead on supporting and implementing climate-related directives across the Board’s divisions and offices. Chris has a Ph.D. in Energy and Resources and Development Engineering from UC Berkeley.

    Dr. Michelle Hummel is an Assistant Professor of Water Resources in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. She specializes in the development of numerical models to simulate flood hazards driven by extreme events and long-term sea-level rise. Michelle is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University and received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley.

    Brynne Weeks is an environmental engineer at Carollo Engineers where she specializes in potable and non-potable water reuse projects. Her work seeks to enhance California’s water resources through the development of local, sustainable water supplies. She has experience in planning, permitting, and pilot testing of water reuse systems for Morro Bay, Ventura, Petaluma, Santa Rosa, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

    Jennifer West is Managing Director of WateReuse California, which is the leading organization in California promoting the safe, practical and beneficial use of recycled water. Since becoming Managing Director, Jennifer has spearheaded numerous successful regulatory and legislative initiatives to promote reuse in California. Some of these efforts include the passage of AB 574 (Quirk), requiring the development of Raw Water Augmentation regulations, the passage of AB 1180 in 2019 requiring the update of non-potable recycled water regulations and most recently, the development of the California WateReuse Action Plan. From 2010 to 2014 she served as the Director for Water for the California Municipal Utilities Association and before that worked for 15 years as a contract legislative advocate.

    Eileen M. White is currently the Director of Wastewater for the East Bay Municipal Utility District in Oakland, which supplies water to approximately 1.4 million people and wastewater services to about 670,000 people. Eileen has more than 20 years of engineering experience in the wastewater, water, and power industries. As the Director of Wastewater, she is responsible for leading the Wastewater Department which includes planning, organizing, and leading the engineering, operations, and maintenance of the wastewater system to ensure efficient operations that meet all regulations.

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    The CWEA Students and Young Professionals Committee Presents: Geography and Climate Webinar with Dr. Roger Bales

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    A new documentary film titled Brave Blue World examines how new technologies and innovations can create a sustainable water future. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a production partner for Brave Blue World and is using the film to raise public awareness about the solutions to water challenges.

    It is important to convey a sense of hope and spirit of optimism for water. By showing a path to a sustainable water future Brave Blue World can help
    us to influence leaders, increase resources, change policies, and improve stewardship of water.

    The pioneering water film features compelling stories, beautiful scenery, and examples from across five continents to show novel ways of tackling water problems. It explores developments in areas such as water reuse, nutrient recovery, energy generation, decentralized treatment, and the digitization of water. The film includes interviews with a variety of water of incredible water leaders to discuss California’s water future.

    Watch the documentary, then join CWEA and our panel of incredible water leaders to discuss California’s water future. Registering to watch the documentary will also register you for this Zoom webinar.


    Megan Yoo
    Emily Tianshi
    Glen Daigger
    Wendy Wert
    Tom Kunetz
    Mehul V. Patel

    Mehul V. Patel is the Executive Director of Operations for the Orange County
    Water District. He oversees water treatment and groundwater recharge
    operations. Mehul has been with the District for more than 20 years. He was formerly Director of Water Production and oversaw the operations,
    maintenance and staff responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Groundwater Replenishment System.

    Megan Yoo Schneider is CWEA’s Vice President. She is a registered Professional Engineer who represents Division 7 on the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Board of Directors. Her professional experience, passion for water, and dedication to her community influenced her decision to run for the MWDOC Board in 2016.

    Emily Tianshi is a high school student at the Cambridge School in San Diego and winner of the California Stockholm Junior Water Prize. Her project offered an approach to deal with freshwater scarcity by harvesting atmospheric moisture. Her study focused on developing a fog harvesting device that biomimics Torrey Pine needles which are known for their moisture capture abilities.

    Tom Kunetz is the Immediate Past President of the Water Environment Federation. He is currently the Assistant Director of Monitoring and Research for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, and is also on the Board of Directors of the Water Research Foundation. He has over 35 years’ experience in the water sector as
    an environmental engineer.

    Dr. Glen Daigger is a former president of the International Water Association and professor at the University of Michigan. Daigger’s research focuses on advanced wastewater treatment include nutrient removal and recovery, treatment process optimization and control and the highly efficient coupled attached and suspended growth systems.

    Wendy Wert, PE, BCEE is CWEA’s President. She is a Board Certified Environmental Engineer with the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles
    County. For the past 20 years she has been working on programs that rely on public participation to integrate water supply, water reuse with wastewater facilities planning

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    Troy Minnick with City of Barstow shares his Chemical Dosing Gadget and Juan Zapata from South County Regional Wastewater Authority shares the innovative UHMW Gate Cutter.

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    This is the fourth CWEA-CASA webinar featuring six top utility executives from the San Francisco PUC, Regional San in Sacramento and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD). They share their plans for dealing with unique O&M challenges while also preparing for new emergencies as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

    During the pandemic, water and wastewater utilities are triggering their response plans for continuity of operations. A significant component during the pandemic is considering critical functions handled by essential personnel whose roles do not allow telework.

    Critical services must continue and team leaders must plan for the continuity of operations in the face of potentially severe staff shortages and other management challenges.

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    The CWEA Students and Young Professionals Committee Presents PFAS Primer for Clean Water Professionals with Tom Bruton, PhD of Green Science Policy Institute. Recorded July 2020.

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    With three decades of experience with State environmental regulatory compliance and enforcement, Jim has learned the best practices during his work with leaders from all over the state. He’ll share what he’s learned with California’s wastewater professionals.

    Since Jim is retiring on June 30th, this is a last chance while Jim is still at the Water Boards to hear his advice as a State Water Board regulator. Ask questions during the pre-webinar registration process or during the webinar about regulatory inspections, technologies seen to reduce SSOs, and the best ways to stay in compliance and reduce enforcement risks.

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    The CWEA Students and Young Professionals (SYP) Committee Webinar Series - MOU/Labour Relations -- Negotiations: Rules, Roles, and Responsibilities

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